How to enlarge the penis painlessly and effectively? What do andrologists think about male organ enlargement methods? Is penis enlargement gel or cream competitive with surgery? These and a number of other questions are asked by men who intend to correct the situation regarding the unsatisfactory size of the penis. We received answers from urologists with more than 20 years of experience.
Penis enlargement by operation - the best method?

Andrologist, urologist. Currently, the most common penis enlargement surgery is a ligamentotomy. Already after the procedure, you can pay attention to the visible increase in the male genital organ. However, the completion of the operation does not mean that all the most difficult has already been completed. Not at all. The patient proceeds to the recovery period, which consists in wearing the extender for many months. This device should be worn for about 6 hours a day. Its tensile force allows you not to lose the extra centimeters gained as a result of the operation. In addition, the first time after the operation, there is an increased mobility of the base of the phallus, so the extender in this case is simply necessary.
When men think about surgical penis lengthening, then it is worth thinking about the risks that are accompanied during surgery. Let's start with the fact that the suppression of the supporting ligament, as already mentioned, increases the mobility of the base of the trunk, which causes the angle of erection to fall. Therefore, during arousal, your penis will no longer be raised head up, as before. Of course, modern surgery makes it possible to minimize the visibility of postoperative scars, which will have a positive effect on the aesthetic side. However, it is important to understand that not every operation ends with a result that can completely satisfy the patient's desires.
Another factor that makes many think before going under the surgeon's knife is the price. Now the cost of this surgical intervention can be high. For some men, this amount is significant, so not everyone can afford the operation. Others refuse surgical penis enlargement, because they do not intend to spend a lot of time wearing an extender during the recovery period. And such men can be understood, because not everyone works, for example, at home. In the office, this device for stretching the tissues of the penis is not vilified.
On the one hand, surgery allows you to influence the size of the penis, lengthening it by several centimeters. On the other hand, a man will have to make certain sacrifices, waste of time, financial savings, expose his health to various risks. It all depends on what decision will be made by the patient. Of course, this method of male organ enlargement cannot be called painless. However, it can be safely written down as effective. Before making such a decision, everything must be carefully weighed.
Penis enlargement with cream and gel - a reality?

Andrologist, urologist. To answer this question, you should delve into the anatomy of the male penis. As you know, the penis has structures that are capable of filling with blood during an erection, which are called the cavernous bodies. They consist of dense walls, shells, crossbars, the so-called trabeculae. The gaps between the latter form gaps or, in the common people, "caves". Blood flow is carried out through the deep and dorsal arteries. If you qualitatively influence the elasticity of the walls of the cavernous bodies and increase blood flow to the penis, then you can increase the size of the male organ.
Creams, gels for penis enlargement contain extracts of exotic plants that have properties that increase the elasticity of the walls of the cavernous bodies. Other components allow you to increase blood flow to the male organ. These two points are key in penis enlargement. Other actions of creams and gels are auxiliary and consist in fixing the result.
This method of penis enlargement is absolutely painless when compared with the use of a vacuum pump, the use of an extender, suspension with a load or surgery. The success of penis enlargement cream or gel lies in the regularity of use. As a rule, a monthly course will be enough if you use the remedy every day. During this time, men can increase the length of the penis up to 3 centimeters.
How much drug is required to solve the problem? If there is about 50 ml of gel in one tube, then about 3-4 tubes will be used within a month. Undoubtedly, the cost is an order of magnitude less than surgery. At the same time, you do not need to wear an extender for hours, and the massage itself to absorb the cream and smooth the tissues of the penis will require no more than 15 minutes a day. The use of massage exercises will influence the growth processes of the elasticity of the walls of the cavernous bodies, which will positively affect the overall result when the penis is in an erect state.
How to enlarge the penis quickly?
Urologist, surgeon. Of course, men often ask about how you can really increase the penis quickly, for example, in a few weeks or a month, without resorting to surgery. One of the time-tested techniques is jelqing. The essence of this massage method of penis enlargement is the periodic stimulation of the tissues of the penis with special exercises, the action of which allows you to increase the elasticity of the walls of the cavernous bodies and affect the processes of microcirculation. However, it does not suit many because of the slow progress.
Nevertheless, andrologists have developed a special massager that allows you to increase the stimulation of the walls of the penis at times. This, in turn, contributes to a more rapid lengthening of the phallus. I mean penis enlargement machine. This roller trainer has gained the trust of men in Western countries due to its high efficiency. The training process takes place using a special gel, which has the necessary effect on the tissues of the penis to create favorable conditions aimed at accelerated growth.
If you use the simulator daily for 10-15 minutes a day, then after 3-4 weeks you will get a good increase in size. Most often, this time is enough for men to declare that their intimate problem has been solved. Also, a simulator kit and a gel allow you to increase a man's control over ejaculation, so this has a positive effect on the duration of sexual intercourse. The natural components of the male cream included in the kit increase blood flow to the penis during an erection, due to which the penis noticeably increases in size.
The Penis Enlargement Machine proves to be a great alternative to other penis lengthening methods as it is a combination of several techniques. Recently, doctors are increasingly recommending that men pay attention to the simulator, as one of the best ways to increase the penis.